English SpeakingInterview

[英語面試大秘訣] – 英語自我介紹


這次English Shark就為大家準備英語面試系列第一彈-英語自我介紹,讓大家面試無往不利,offer輕鬆拿!


  1. 開頭打招呼 – Greeting
  2. 面試動機 – Motivation
  3. 個人背景介紹 – Self-Introduction
  4. 工作目標 – Goal
  5. 結尾總結 – Ending

1. Greeting:


  1. Good morning/afternoon. I am David. Nice to meet you.
  2. Hey, I am David. It’s my pleasure to meet you.


2. Motivation:


  1. I have been very interested in ___ industry and always want to work in ___ field. 我對__領域一直非常有興趣,也非常想在這個領域工作。
  2. From my perspective, ___ industry is very potential and I always want to be participate in the most challenging opportunity. 從我的觀點來看,我認為__領域非常有潛力,而我非常渴望這樣有挑戰性的機會。


3. Self-Introduction:


  1. 學歷介紹: I graduated from ___ university with a bachelor degree in Finance. 我畢業於__大學,主修財金系。
    • 註: bachelor degree: 學士
    • master degree: 碩士
    • doctorate degree: 博士
  2. 社團活動: I was a leader of debating club and lead our team to win the national debate championship last year. 我是辯論社的社長,並且之前還帶領社團贏得全國辯論比賽冠軍。
  3. 實習經驗: I was an investment researcher intern at ___ and worked there for 6 months. Focused on equity researching and analysis. 我曾在__公司擔任6個月投資研究實習生,專注在股票的研究和分析。


4. Goal:


  1. My 1 year goal in this company is to be a marketing assistant to help improving marketing process. 我第一年的目標是成為行銷助手幫助公司改善行銷流程。
  2. My 3 year goal is to become a marketing associate and take charge in running entire marketing campaign. 我的三年目標是成為行銷專員,並且可以負責整個行銷活動。
  3. My 5 year goal is to become a leader of a marketing team and not only be responsible to marketing business but also do more business development to get more customers for company. 我五年的目標是成為行銷主管,除了帶領行銷團隊負責行銷業務外,還想多做業務開發為公司帶來更多客戶。


5. Ending:


I believe this job is exactly what I am looking for and my experience makes me a great candidate to this position. That’s all my self introduction. Thank you.



以上就是這次的英語面試自我介紹小秘訣啦,希望大家都可以順利找到自己最愛的工作。如果想要特別加強英語口說和英語面試,歡迎加入English Shark線上英語課程,讓我們的老師們幫你變成英語面試大師!


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